La liberté commence où l'ignorance finit.

engineering research and innovation

Research methods

Associated laboratory : STRUCTURE CODE: LR18ES43

It falls under the Department of Physics of the Faculty of Sciences of Tunis and is directed by Prof. Ali Gharsallah

Ali Gharsallah

Rank: Professor

Speciality: Telecommunications

Director of the MERLAB Research Laboratory


Ali Gharsallah obtained the diploma of radio frequency engineer from the Higher School of Telecommunications of Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia, in 1986, and the doctorate. graduated from the School of Engineers of Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia, in 1994. Since 1991, he has been at the Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Department of Physics, El-Manar UniversityFaculty of Sciences of Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia. He is also a Full Professor of Electrical Engineering and Director of Engineering at the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education, Tunis, Tunisia. He is the author or co-author of approximately 55 articles published in scientific journals and 80 conference papers. He has also supervised more than 20 theses and 50 masters. His current research interests include smart antennas, network signal processing, multilayer structures and microwave integrated circuits.


Rank: Professor

Speciality: Telecommunications

Director of the Innov’COM Research Laboratory


Ridha BOUALLEGUE is a professor at the National School of Engineers of Tunis, Tunisia (ENIT) with teaching experience since 1990, on secondment since 1995 at the Ecole Supérieure des Communications de Tunis ( Sup’Com) . He is currently Director General of Technological Studies at the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. He is the founder in 2012, and the General CHAIR of the International Conference on Information Processing and Wireless Systems (IP-WiS) . He is the founder in 2012, and the president of Tasit “Tunisian Association for Scientific Innovation and Technology” . He is the founder in 2005 and Director of the Innov’COM Research Laboratory “Innovation of COMmunicant and COoperative Mobiles Laboratory” . He is the founder in 2005 and Director of the National School of Engineers of Sousse and Director of the Higher School of Technology and Computer Science in 2010 He obtained his PhD in 1998 and his HDR in 2003 on Multi-User Detection in Next Generation Cellular Radio Systems. Its fundamental research and development on the physical layer of telecommunication systems, in particular on digital communications systems and information theory, the next generation of wireless networks, MIMO Wireless Communications technology …


Research Methods in Computer Science and Software Engineering RE4001

Code          : RE4001           Research Methods in Computer Science and Software Engineering

Summary :

This course introduces students to research methods in computer science and software engineering. Essential research skills for postgraduate students are covered.


Topics covered in the lectures include:
• Introduction to computer science and software engineering research
• Effective use of information sources • High level reading and writing skills: proposal, report, article and thesis; review and rebut • Low-level writing skills: tips and tools, bibliography management • Postgraduate life skills – time and stress management, managing your supervisor, working with others • Review of research methods in computer science and software engineering• Statistical principles• Oral presentation

References bibliographic

  • A handout (Course Notes) from the teacher will be available with bibliographic reference

Modality devaluation

Documentary survey proposal5%
Oral presentation10%
Verification process20%
Final exam30%

Learning outcomes:

After completing this course, students can:

  • identify a research problem.
  • understand and explain the range of research methods used in computer science and software engineering.
  • explain the relative merits of alternative research methods.
  • read, summarize and present related recent research articles.
  • write and communicate orally clearly and succinctly on research topics.
  • develop a research program and write a scientific article describing it.

Research methods in cybersecurity of connected objects RE4002

Code          : RE4002           Research methods in cybersecurity of connected objects

Summary :

This course introduces students to research methods in the cybersecurity of connected objects. Essential research skills for postgraduate students are covered.


Topics covered in the lectures include:
• Introduction to IoT cybersecurity research
• Effective use of information sources • High-level reading and writing skills: proposal, report, article and thesis; review and rebut • Low-level writing skills: tips and tools, bibliography management • Postgraduate life skills – time and stress management, managing your supervisor, working with others • Review of research methods in object cybersecurity connected
• Statistical principles • Oral presentation

References bibliographic

  • A handout (Course Notes) from the teacher will be available with bibliographic reference

Modality devaluation

Documentary survey proposal5%
Oral presentation10%
Verification process20%
Final exam30%

Learning outcomes:

After completing this course, students can:

  • identify a research problem.
  • understand and explain the range of research methods used in cybersecurity of connected objects .
  • explain the relative merits of alternative research methods.
  • read, summarize and present related recent research articles.
  • write and communicate orally clearly and succinctly on research topics.
  • develop a research program and write a scientific article describing it.

RE4003 Autonomous Vehicle Navigation Research Methods

Code          : RE4003           Research methods in cybersecurity of connected objects

Summary :

This course introduces students to research methods in the navigation of autonomous vehicles.

Essential research skills for postgraduate students are covered.


Topics covered in the lectures include:
• Introduction to autonomous vehicle navigation research.
• Effective use of information sources • High-level reading and writing skills: proposal, report, article and thesis; review and rebut • Low-level writing skills: tips and tools, bibliography management • Postgraduate life skills – time and stress management, managing your supervisor, working with others • Review of vehicle navigation research methods autonomous.
• Statistical principles • Oral presentation

References bibliographic

  • A handout (Course Notes) from the teacher will be available with bibliographic reference

Modality devaluation

Documentary survey proposal5%
Oral presentation10%
Verification process20%
Final exam30%

Learning outcomes:

After completing this course, students can:

  • identify a research problem.
  • understand and explain the range of research methods used in the navigation of autonomous vehicles .
  • explain the relative merits of alternative research methods.
  • read, summarize and present related recent research articles.
  • write and communicate orally clearly and succinctly on research topics.
  • develop a research program and write a scientific article describing it.

Research Methods in Artificial Intelligence & Big-Data RE4004


Code          : RE4004           Research Methods in Artificial Intelligence & Big-Data

Summary :

This course introduces students to research methods in Artificial Intelligence & Big-Data.

Essential research skills for postgraduate students are covered.


Topics covered in the lectures include:
• Introduction to autonomous vehicle navigation research.
• Effective use of information sources • High-level reading and writing skills: proposal, report, article and thesis; review and rebut • Low-level writing skills: tips and tools, bibliography management • Postgraduate life skills – time and stress management, managing your supervisor, working with others • Review of vehicle navigation research methods autonomous.
• Statistical principles • Oral presentation

References bibliographic

  • A handout (Course Notes) from the teacher will be available with bibliographic reference

Modality devaluation

Documentary survey proposal5%
Oral presentation10%
Verification process20%
Final exam30%

Learning outcomes:

After completing this course, students can:

  • identify a research problem.
  • understand and explain the range of research methods used in Artificial Intelligence & Big-Data .
  • explain the relative merits of alternative research methods.
  • read, summarize and present related recent research articles.
  • write and communicate orally clearly and succinctly on research topics.
  • develop a research program and write a scientific article describing it.